Annual report 2018

39 Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. ANNUAL REPORT 2018 INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS Share in the share capi- tal and voting rights CPA s.r.o. 79.34% Other legal entities 0.02% Natural persons 20.64% Company's shareholders as as 31 Dec 2018 Proposal for the payment of dividends and royalties from Retained earnings from previous years and the proposal for the distribution of the 2018 profit submitted to the AGM of Shareholders to be held on 24 June 2019 (in EUR) Retained earnings 97 506 875 Use of the retained earnings from previous years 2004 to 2010: Payment of dividends to shareholders (EUR 1.80 per 1 share, i.e. 5.29% of the face value of shares) 4 291 443 Payment of royalties to the members of the Board of Directors 550 000 Payment of royalties to the members of the Supervisory Board 180 000 Net profit for 2018 13 306 212 Distribution: Mandatory allotment to the reserve fund - Transfer to retained earnings from previous years 13 306 212 Balance of the Reserve fund after profit distribution 16 212 118 Balance of the Retained earnings after profit distribution 106 521 644 The Company’s share capital in the amount of EUR 81 060 590 comprises 2 384 135 ordinary paper registered shares. Their face value is EUR 34 per share. According to general binding legal regulations and the Company's Articles of Associations, a share is associated with the shareholder’s right to participate in Company management, and in its profit and liquidation balance upon the dissolution of the Company by liquidation. The shares are not publicly tradable on the stock market. The transfer of the shares is subject to the Company’s approval. Slovak shareholders Legal entities Foreign shareholders Natural persons 99.9% SLOVAK SHAREHOLDERS 79% LEGAL ENTITIES