Annual report 2014

Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. Annual report 2014 to tLe iQproveQent oJ tLe environQent. 8LanOs to tLe above investQents and otLer Qodernisation aGtivities Gar - ried out in [e Greated Gonditions Jor a QaNor Uualit] iQproveQent oJ our entire produGtion. - aQ proud to sa] tLat our enKineers toKetLer [itL tLe eQplo]ees oJ ŽP :ʀsOuQ - no vʀvoNovɯ GentruQ s.r.o. partiGipated in tLe Qodernisation. 8Le results [e are Gurrentl] aGLievinK in terQs oJ Uualit] are uniUue even on a Klobal sGale. &] utilisinK [aste Leat [e Lave saved and [ill save Gonsiderable Junds on tLe Gosts oJ LeatinK sanitar] JaGilities and buildinKs in Podbrezová. 8Le ]ear [as not an eas] one. -t [as aJJeGted b] in - ternational tension tLat Lad and Gontinues to Lave Jor tLe Qost part a neKative iQpaGt on tLe entire )9. - believe tLis [ill be resolved via diploQatiG GLannels. 3n tLe otLer Land it [as a ]ear oJ ver] Kood Gooperation [itL our suppliers GustoQers ƤnanGial institutions subGon - traGtors and otLers [Lo Gontributed to our Kood results oJ operations. (ear 7LareLolders and &usiness Partners -t is Glear tLat a GoQpan] tLat QanuJaGtures Qore tLan oJ its produGtion Jor e\port purposes Gan onl] aGLieve pos - itive results based on sound GoQQuniGation and Goopera - tion [itL otLer GoQpanies. 8Le] are nuQerous and oJ diJ - Jerent sizes. 8Le QaintenanGe oJ eQplo]Qent in our reKion is a ver] siKniƤGant JaGtor as reKards tLe standard oJ livinK. )ver]one [Lo Gontributed to our results in deserves our Kratitude. 7peGial tLanOs Jor QaintaininK [orO and teGLniGal disGipline Ko to our eQplo]ees in blue Gollar pro - Jessions and tLe [Lite Gollar [orOers JroQ all proJessional departQents. 8Le &oard oJ (ireGtors and tLe 7upervisor] &oard oJ Žele - ziarne Podbrezová a.s. Gonsider to Lave been a suG - GessJul ]ear. ;e Lave QanaKed to Greate a Kood basis Jor our GoQpan]ŭs prosperit] in tLe Jollo[inK ]ears. -nK. :ladiQɳr 7otáO 'LairQan oJ tLe &oard oJ (ireGtors 'LieJ )\eGutive 3JƤGer - [ould liOe to Kive Q] sinGere tLanOs to ever]one Jor tLeir Gontribution to tLe ƤnanGial results. -ntroduGtion JroQ tLe 'LairQan oJ tLe &oard oJ (ireGtors 3