Annual report 2014

6eport b] tLe &oard oJ (ireGtors 3n tLe business aGtivities assets and ƤnanGial perJorQanGe in and inJorQation on tLe business plan HUMAN RESOURCES 8Le 'oQpan]ŭs strateK] pa]s speGial attention to LuQan re - sourGes QanaKeQent. 8LereJore GarinK Jor our eQplo]ees is a priorit] tLrouKLout tLe 'oQpan] inGludinK reGruitQent seleGtion and eduGation oJ ]ounK people reQuneration so - pListiGated oGGupational LealtL and saJet] s]steQ perQa - nent eduGation and beneƤts. And Jor tLis reason in tLe 'oQpan] aKain adopted tLe Personnel ;aKe 7oGial and 3GGupational ,ealtL and 7aJet] PoliG] ProKraQQe. 8Le proKraQQe is set out in t[o basiG doGuQents tLe 'olleGtive AKreeQent GonGluded bet[een >3 3> /3:3 tLe /3:3 trade union [orOs Goun - Gil and tLe &oard oJ (ireGtors oJ Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. and tLe )Qplo]ee 'are ProKraQQe oJ tLe &oard oJ (ireGtors oJ Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. 8Le 'oQpan] Jull] Qet its obliKations arisinK JroQ tLe said doGuQents. -n )96 tLousand [as spent JroQ tLe soGial Jund. 8Le Qost siKniƤGant iteQs [ere as Jollo[s 'aterinK serviGes Jor eQplo]ees tLousand aGGident insuranGe Jor all eQplo]ees tLousand ,olida] GaQps Jor GLildren tLousand 6eGuperation sta]s Jor eQplo]ees [Lo are blood donors tLousand. 8Le )Qplo]ee 'are ProKraQQe [as suppleQented b] tLe Jollo[inK )Qplo]erŭs Gontribution to eQplo]ee suppleQentar] pension sGLeQes tLousand 6eGover] sta]s and preventative QediGal GLeGOs Jor eQplo]ees [itL Lazardous plaGes oJ [orO tLousand ProteGtive eUuipQent and arranKe Qent oJ eQplo]ee drinOinK reKiQe tLousand -QproveQent and enLanGeQent oJ eQplo]ee UualiƤGations tLousand Preparation oJ Juture [orOJorGe and KrantinK oJ sGLolarsLips tLousand &onuses a[arded Jor QaNor [orO and liJe Nubilees tLousand 'oQpreLensive proKraQQe oJ reGuperative Qeasures tLousand. (evelopQent oJ Personnel )\penses in )96 Ŭ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ;aKes and salaries 38 134 38 123 1andator] reQittanGes JroQ [aKes and salaries 10 643 12 421 12 216 12 072 12 412 8raininK eduGation 571 705 718 704 ProteGtive eUuipQent 366 441 383 361 7oGial Jund dra[inK 321 400 340 357 3tLer e\penses 216 73 42 Total 44 498 52 132 51 898 50 747 51 295 Expenses per employee 14 15 16 16 16 3tLer e\penses inGlude e\penses espeGiall] Jor LealtL Gentre Givil deJenGe and Givil deJenGe eduGation.