Annual Report 2010

2010 ANNUAL REPORT r CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ASAT 31 DECEMBER2010 (ineuros) ASSETS Note 31 December 2010 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 8 226 448 875 lntangible assets 9 1266834 Goodwill 9 1 768 335 lnvestments in associates 7 1 284 744 Other financial assets 10 2 760 014 Deferred tax asset 11 519 565 Total non-current assets 234 048 367 CURRENT ASSETS lnventories 12 86 675 286 Trade receivables and other financial assets 14 84 835 449 lncome tax receivable 1 113 902 Other assets 899 817 Cash and cash equivalents 15 11 110 862 Total current assets 184 635 316 TOTAL ASSETS 418 683 683 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Note 31 December 2010 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Share capital 16 81 060 590 Treasury shares 16 -2 361 362 Legal and other funds 16 9 422 540 Retained earnings 155 538 336 Equity attributable to equity holders of ŽP 243 660 104 Minority interests 9 830 708 Total equity 253 490 812 LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES lnterest-bearing loans and borrowings 17 29 901 089 Other financial liabilities 18 4 192 068 Payables from employee benefits 19 6 059 653 Provisions 20 5 129 684 Deferred tax liability 11 8 240 131 Total non-current liabilities 53 522 625 CURRENT LIABILITIES lnterest-bearing loans and borrowings 17 55 939 666 Trade and other financial payables 21 53 612 586 lncome tax payable 1 110 044 Other liabilities 1 007 950 Total current liabilities 111 670 246 Total liabilities 165 192 871 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 418 683 683 1 31 December 2009 228 019 177 1598635 1768335 949 870 1 332 383 217 528 233 885 928 84 300 331 70 561 558 1 738 724 705 380 13 258 980 170 564 973 404 450 901 31 December 2009 81 060 590 4 400 536 139 938 573 225 399 699 8 392 500 233 792 199 27 287 609 5 343 632 4 743 281 6 447 286 7 481 874 51 303 682 68 599 817 46 776 537 314 316 3 664 350 119 355 020 170 658 702 404 450 901