Annual Report 2009

Ž E L E Z I A R N E P O D B R E Z O V Á REPORT BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The Certified System of Environmental Management under EN ISO 14001 is one of the instruments used to protect the environment and promote a positive environmental image of our company. The external supervisory audit and renewal certification review of compliance with ISO 14 001: 2004 was performed by SGS Slovakia spol. s r.o. in 2009, which confirmed the correctness of the Environmental Management processes and issued a new certificate valid for three years until 4 September 2012. In 2009, as in the previous period, the Company’s management decided on the goals of the Environmental Management System Programme. Despite the financial and economic crisis in 2009, the environmental goals of capital construction, repairs and technical development were carried out. As an active participant in the carbon oxide emission quotas trading scheme, in compliance with legislative requirements, we ensured the monitoring and regular evaluation of produced carbon oxide emissions in 2009. Restricted operation of the key metallurgical plants in 2009 resulted in lower volumes of produced carbon oxide emissions. Research and Development In 2009, R&D activities focused on optimising the process of cooling the cylinders of the tube reducing mill, verifying qualities and optimising the galvanised tubes, and using the burned gases heat from EAF arc furnace. R&D costs amounted to EUR 25 thousand. Other tasks required by Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. were dealt with by a subsidiary – ŽP VVC s.r.o. 17