Annual Report 2007

43 Ž E L E Z I A R N E P O D B R E Z O V Á 2 0 0 7 INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS Shareholders of the Company at 31 December 2007 Institutional investors Individuals 24% Commercial enterprises 73% 3% Foreign shareholders Slovak shareholders 79% 21% 100 % 100 % Share in registered capital ŽP TRADE s.r.o. 40.64% CPA s.r.o. 14.06% ŽP Trade Bohemia, a.s. 12.96% Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG 3.45% KOR BUSINESS LTD 3.22% Železiarne Podbrezová a.s. (1) 1.35% Shareholders with ownership interest lower than 1% 24.32% Proposed Distribution of Profit for 2007 Profit/loss for 2007 SKK 1 013 280 301.73 Distribution: - 10% mandatory allotment to reserve fund SKK 101 328 030.17 - payout of dividends to shareholders (Dividend of SKK 50 per share) SKK 119 206 750.00 - royalties SKK 2 600 000.00 - transfer to retained earning from prior years SKK 790 145 521.56 (1) Treasury shares - shares issued instead of invalid uncollected shares were temporarily possessed by the issuer until their disposal and proceeds from the sale of such shares were paid to the respective persons.